Our Investments
We Invest in deals that have an address, provide a place for people to live and most important produce a solid income. We seek out investments that we can add value to the asset-which will offer opportunities for higher income and risk-adjusted returns.
[button text=”more” link=”why-apartment-investments” style=”primary” size=”normal” target=”_self” display=”inline” icon=”no”] [/info_box] [/span3] [span3] [info_box]Income Matters
Investing for income is important to help you achieve your goals at any stage of your life. If your plans include life-long goals like funding for college, raising a family, a future vacation or retirement; we have opportunities to help you meet your expectations.
[button text=”more” link=”#” style=”primary” size=”normal” target=”_self” display=”inline” icon=”no” color=”blue”] [/info_box] [/span3] [span3] [info_box]Investment Principles
Our value-added investment principle is to acquire underperforming apartment building assets that are prospects for improving rents and property values through active property renovation, repositioning, and transforming asset’s overall attractiveness.
[button text=”more” link=”strategy/#ert_pane1-1″ style=”primary” size=”normal” target=”_self” display=”inline” icon=”no”] [/info_box] [/span3] [span3] [info_box]Resources
Multifamily Market Strength IRR® Viewpoint 2015
Multifamily Rents Up This Spring